
First Stage

Build the foundation model of DNFT Protocol, including:

1) Launch the mainnet 1.0 version of decentralized NFT marketplace on EVM blockchains,

2) Launch the 1.0 version of DNFT network which was developed based on Substrate,

3) Launch the 1.0 version of KNFT network (more flexible DNFT network) which was developed based on Substrate,

4) Launch the 1.0 version of NFT Cross-chain Protocol,

5) Launch the DNFT Protocol DAO governance

6) Launch the DNFT Ecology GRANT plan

Second Stage

Build the ecological application model of DNFT Protocol, including:

1) Launch the mainnet 2.0 version of decentralized NFT marketplace and application aggregator on EVM blockchains,

2) Launch the 2.0 version of DNFT network which was developed based on Substrate, participate in the slot auction,access to Polkadot parallel chain;

3) Launch the 2.0 version of KNFT network which was developed based on Substrate, participate in the slot auction,access to Kusama parallel chain;

4) Launch the 2.0 version of NFT Cross-chain Protocol, with API support for external system, more open NFT Cross-chain protocol,

5) Mature DNFT Protocol DAO Governance

Third Stage

Improve the ecological application model of DNFT Protocol, including:

1) Launch the mainnet 3.0 version of decentralized NFT marketplace and application aggregator on EVM blockchains,be a completed Web3.0 NFT platform

2) Launch the 3.0 version of DNFT network which was developed based on Substrate,

3) Launch the 3.0 version of KNFT network which was developed based on Substrate,

4) Launch the 3.0 version of NFT Cross-chain Protocol,support MPC / ZKP, privacy agreement, etc., safer NFT Cross-chain protocol,

5) Complete DNFT Protocol DAO governance

Last updated